Emily's Blog

child of God, daughter, sister, auntie, friend, and grad student

Saturday, April 16, 2005


Well, since practically the whole fam has a blog, I joined in! I am in the library, yes the library on a gorgeous Saturday afternoon! I am only in this library because I am three weeks away from college graduation and that means less three weeks away from a whole lot of projects and papers being due! I obviously got distracted from my dedicated and nerdy student habits to talk to all of you. I am still in disbelief about the upcoming graduation thing. Oh, don't get me wrong I am excited, but blown away by the rapid speed in which the last four years flew by! For the first time in my life there is not a written plan for the next phase of my life, and if you know me well enough you know I love a plan! But I am excited about my choice and desire to attend grad school, I think. I feel like God has left that door open for a reason, and I am excited about pursuing that goal. Well, I am glad to see that my beautiful mom finally got a blog...dad what is the hold up? I would love to read a Roy Tyndall blog...I'm sure it would involve great words of wisdom, talk of current events, and totally inappropriate jokes! What fun! Well, I have strayed away from the deligent student role for too long-I must return to my current state of total nerd! Enjoy the beauty of the day, and please go outside for those of us that can't!
P.S.- I know this blog will kill my sweet sister due to the excessive exclamation marks!!!!!!!!!!!!!!


  • At 8:52 PM, Blogger christine pinson said…

    yes...WAY too many exclamation marks...and if you are a "diligent" student...maybe you should learn how to spell the word! just kidding...glad you are a fellow blogging nerd now...and i can't wait for you to move home in three weeks...i know baby jack will love getting to spend more time with his auntie!

  • At 8:53 PM, Blogger christine pinson said…

    oh and one more thing...i can't believe you didn't list "aunt" in your profile along with all those other things! i am glad that jack can't read!

  • At 8:58 PM, Blogger Unknown said…

    Emily...I just talked to you to let you know that they are serving CHEESECAKE at the Ranger games now! Now, that is another great reason to go!!! We are so looking forward to having you home for a time, and yes, we will agree to "roommate meetings", as long as you will be nice to us! I know you are busy with last minute studies, etc., but please get outside some and enjoy the beauty of this spring weather - because you know it will change soon! I am counting the days until we see you!


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